The San Bernardino County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) is the second largest child support agency in California. DCSS’ brand, “Champion of Children” emphasizes making a positive difference in the lives of families. The enhanced case management philosophy focuses on a holistic approach. This approach enables staff to assist families with all aspects of their needs to become self-sufficient. One of this year’s goals has been to change the message to the community that DCSS wants to work with parents to remove barriers to child support and assist in directing them to services. DCSS identified partners who can help families with job training and skills, domestic violence resources, legal assistance and more. The department continues to identify collaborative opportunities to serve shared customers.

DCSS received National Association of Counties (NACo) awards for the Bridges to Employment Program and License Release Project. Both programs assist parents towards self-sufficiency and consistent child support payments for their children and families.

In April 2017, the Family Law Facilitator partnership introduced a Forms Assistance Workshop hosted by the Family Law Facilitator to support mutual customers who wish to make changes to child custody and/or visitation orders. From July 2016 through June 2017, the Facilitator provided guidance to 255 child support customers to achieve informed, appropriate results through complex legal processes.

During 2016-17, DCSS’ Call Center answered an average of 170,826 calls per year from customers, employers, and other agencies. This new customer service model for the Call Center resulted in an increased 93.7% Resolution Rate (exceeding the 90% goal) and better efficiencies for case managers and customer service representatives.

The department goals are to enhance the customer experience by developing and delivering training and implementing a Customer Service Campaign for all staff. DCSS will continue to explore expanding customer service availability options. The department will revamp the website and revise marketing materials to be more customer service friendly. DCSS will also develop an electronic resource guide to educate customers of services provided by county, community and faith-based organizations. The department hopes to increase the number of families that receive at least 75% of their current child support obligation due each month. DCSS will continue to identify innovative ways to partner with parents and the community to provide options, education, and resources.

Marie Girulat
Director, Child Support Services



Total Families Served


Distributed to Families


in support collected
for every $1
spent on operational

Partner with parents and the community in delivering reliable child support services.