The Department of Aging and Adult Services/Office of the Public Guardian (DAAS/OPG) embodies the County mission to promote the health, safety, well-being and quality of life of its residents by ensuring older adults and individuals with disabilities have the right to age in place in the least restrictive environment. DAAS/OPG continues to develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships with numerous County departments and community-based organizations to leverage resources and maximize service delivery.

Over the last year, DAAS/OPG successfully launched several progressive partnerships and campaigns to enhance the quality of life of the individuals served in our communities, including: Accomplishments:

  • DAAS-PG was awarded a grant in the amount of $600,000 to develop and implement the Home Safe demonstration project over a period of two years. The project is designed to serve Adult Protective Services clients who are experiencing homeless or are at imminent risk of homelessness. The project became operational on July 1, 2019.
  • In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) successfully facilitated a seamless rollout of the new electronic timesheet system for IHSS providers. This has resulted in more expedient provider payments and fewer timesheet errors.
  • Adult Protective Services (APS) commemorated Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month in June with its “Can You See Me Now?” campaign by providing a Public Service Announcement video, posters, flyers and outreach material to the public and community partners.
  • OPG successfully expanded its Family Support Group to include all individuals with loved ones on conservatorship, public and private.
  • DAAS-PG was the recipient of two awards by the California State Association of Counties:
    • Challenge Award for the Mobile Health Outreach – Anatomical Models, which educates older and/or disabled adults on self-examinations and identifying potentially life-threating health issues through the tactile exercises performed on anatomical models.
    • Merit Award for Coordinated Care Collaborative, which is a collaboration between DAAS-PG and Managed Care Plans to improve outcomes for mutual clients.

In the coming year, DAAS/OPG will continue to enhance and expand service delivery to older adults and individuals with disabilities.

  • APS will focus on identifying and stabilizing elder and dependent adult abuse victims who may be at risk of homelessness.
  • Aging Programs will collaborate with County departments and community partners to increase awareness and engagement with its Senior Nutrition campaign.
  • OPG will create a clinical wraparound transition program for individuals whose conservatorship has terminated. This program will provide clinical support, linkage to resources and other services to ensure a successful transition back into the community to prevent homelessness.
  • The Elderly Nutrition Program will collaborate with a managed care plan to expand congregate meals and services provided to an underserved community in the county.
  • The Home Safe project will develop partnerships with local hospitals and community-based organizations to expand outreach and services to individuals throughout the county who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness.

DAAS/OPG looks forward to further exploring ways to collaborate and partner with City Agencies, County Departments and community–based organizations to enhance services to some of the County’s most vulnerable populations.

Sharon Nevins
Director, Aging and Adult Services

Adult Abuse Referrals


elder and dependent
adult abuse referrals
generated by the Adult
Abuse Hotline
In-Home Support Provided


older adults and
persons with disabilities
provided with in-home
Senior Meals Served


meals served to

The Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) provides services to seniors, at-risk individuals, and adults with disabilities to improve or maintain choice, independence, and quality of life so they may age in place in the least restrictive environment.

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